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Posted 12/01/2023 by Cornerstone Center

Why Your Small Business Needs to Stay Organized

Why Your Small Business Needs to Stay Organized

When we think about organization, we think about arranging spaces and knowing where things are. Organization in business is just that and more. Your business should easily readjust when you plan on expanding. Having everything in your business neat and organized will make the expansion process seamless.

Storage space at the office usually begins when you shelve products you no longer use or rarely use. In the beginning of any business, there are many hit and misses. The misses usually get shelved in a back storage room. Take the time to clean out what you absolutely do not need. Sell off old supplies that are no longer applicable and make space to organize your storage space.

Manage your office space so that everything is easily accessible. Your team should be able to communicate effectively without moving large distances. They should also have cross access to information. Keep permissions the same for each team member. This will facilitate communication and problem solving whether using digital information or files stacked in a file cabinet.

Consider going paperless. In today’s digital world, it is easy to organize paperwork with google storage or storage on your own database. Cloud storage is also available along with many other storage companies that will allow your business to go paperless. Having a database of information makes that information easily accessible to your team of employees and the job gets done more efficiently and more quickly.

Keep track of the time it takes to complete tasks. Make a task list with the expected amount of time it should take to complete any specific task. When your team knows what the expectation is for time, they will try their hardest to complete the task before the deadline. This timetable is also applicable to any business tasks which you may complete yourself. Knowing how much time it takes to complete any task free up your time to complete other tasks. You will only schedule the number of tasks within the timeframe you have available.

Keep your computer organized. Icons on your desktop should be easily accessible when you need them. Clean out items that you don’t use to free up space and make your computer run smoother. Make sure the network is working properly at all times. Faster access to information means the job will be completed in a timely manner. Keep your passwords well organized. Many businesses use a multitude of shared software. Keeping the passwords for your business and employees helps keep your business running and organized. Get your email organized and show your employees what folder to create and how to keep their work email organized in a similar way.

Keeping good track of invoices, statements, expenses, and profits becomes part of good bookkeeping. Organized bookkeeping facilitates the process of paying taxes, knowing your expenditures, creating reports on profits and losses, and even creating a new business plan for proper expansion.

Consider automating tasks. Many administration tasks can now be automated. Any scheduling systems can be automated. Organizing through automation makes completing tasks easier and frees up time for your team to work on more complex tasks. This automation will pave the way for your business to expand and excel.

Readjust your business plan by organizing your plan into a new plan that is applicable to your current business situation. If you are planning on expanding your business, then the new plan should reflect the expansion. When a change occurs in your business, redesign your business plan to reflect the changes. Keeping your business plan organized and up to date will make it easier when you want to generate more profits or expand your business to generate more profits.

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